
I’ve learned to dodge some questions and ignore my thoughts for they have been pretty rough on me lately. Certain relationships should remain the way it has been and not challenge the balance that you have created for yourself. Trying to reconnect with the same old pattern screams familiarity but at the same time it doubles your chances of being fooled yet again, and so on. I guess through time we can learn to steer away from sudden jolts of madness every once in a while and master the art of keeping our inner chaos inside of us.


I’ve managed to strategically weave

strands of memories and packed

a bit of your scent in the form of

long, tiring drags and a few mortal sips

of my chosen poison.

Maybe that’s what kept you away.

maybe you thought how so much

of me seemed like a notoriously

fucked up yet vulnerable mess

that you want nothing to do with.



I used to have horrible nightmares.

Then night after night they seem to fade,

only to be replaced by mediocre versions

of subconsciously made-up stories.

Somehow I don’t feel relieved.

I worry I might lose that part of myself,

the only one I seem to like best.


With a chip on our shoulder

and our guards up,

 we often forget that those walls

we have spent so long building

are doomed to crumble.

its parts will eventually turn to headstones

with different names written on it

as a reminder of an ever living past

that we can never get rid of,

no matter how hard we try.


1:45 am

I would have hold onto the thinnest fabric

that is my sympathy,

but regretfully anger took over

and what I thought I needed

turned out to be the very thing

that set me free.

But at night it’s not the same story.

I could have held on if you told me to,

but time convinced me

that’s not what you’d rather do.

Distance kept me sane,

so maybe I’m thankful to you,

wherever you may be.